Circular Linked List

As we know, a simple linked list is a sequential collection of nodes. Each node has a data value and a pointer variable that holds the address of the next node. Circular Linked List

A circular linked list is similar to a simple linked list . The only difference is the pointer variable of the last node points to the head node of the linked list rather than Null. When the last node’s pointer variable points to the head node, it forms a circular structure; that’s why we call it a circular linked list.

The interesting thing about the circular linked list is that we can form it using the simple and doubly linked list; all we have to do is point the pointer of the last node to the first node instead of Null.

Operations on Circular Linked List

Like a simple and doubly linked list, we can perform basic operations on a circular linked list, and these operations are:

  • Insertion
  • Deletion
  • Traverse

1. Insertion

In insertion, we can insert new elements in the circular linked list. We have to perform some extra work when we want to insert an element at the end of a linked list. In the circular linked list, the insertion operation for the insert element at the beginning, middle, and end have some different operation structures.

2. Deletion

In deletion, we simply manipulate the pointer value, so instead of pointing to the next element, it points to the element next to the next pointer.

3. Traverse

While traversing in a circular linked list, we need to set the base condition, or else we would traverse through it infinitely.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Circular Linked List

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of a circular linked list:


  • It is simply a circular structure, so any point on a circle could be a starting point. We can traverse the complete list starting from any point.
  • It often comes into use when we are implementing advanced data structures.
  • With a single node, we can visit any node.


  • If there is no base condition to terminate the circular linked list once the traverse is complete, we can be thrown into an infinite loop.
  • It is not easy to reverse the linked list.

Circular linked List Implementation

class Node: 
    def __init__(self,data): = data = None
class Linked_List:   
    def __init__(self): 
        self.head = Node(None)
        self.tail = Node(None) = self.tail = self.head
    def append_list(self,data): 
        newNode = Node(data)
        if is None: 
            self.head = newNode
            self.tail = newNode
   = self.head
   = newNode
            self.tail = newNode
   = self.head
    def show(self): 
        current = self.head; 
        if self.head is None: 
            print("List is empty") 
            print("Nodes of the circular linked list: ") 
        while( != self.head): 
            current = 
class CircularLinkedList: 
  c_l = Linked_List() 


In conclusion, the circular linked list is a fascinating and versatile data structure, offering unique advantages in various computing scenarios. This is the reason for its wide usage. We hope that the aforementioned information proves helpful to you.

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